USE THIS FORM TO E-MAIL YOUR LOCAL MP STEP 1: Find your Local Representative We have found the following South Australian electorate details, STEP 2: Enter Your Details STEP 3: Decide on Email Content Layout To create the content for your email, you can either choose from one of templates below. The templates will automatically add your elected members name and also your name and address details. Choose from the templates below: Use Template 1 (Supporting Duck and Quail Hunting) as a starter Use Template 2 (Supporting Duck Hunting) as a starter Use Template 3 (Supporting Bow Hunting) as a starter Use Template 4 (Lake George Management) as a starter Use Template 5 (Supporting Duck Hunting) as a starter Use Template 6 (FOOD TO RISE BY 500%) as a starter Just write your own email STEP 4: Modify the Layout using your own words